Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Okay, don't answer that question.

We are adding to our "zoo." Upon Nolan's return from his whirlwind, travel-filled summer, he will be bringing home two...not one....TWO new pets. Sebastian and Herman will join our brood on the 26th of July. You guessed it - they are hermit crabs. The last one we had accidentally "baked" in our sun room after Jessa let him out to "exercise." Too bad he wasn't bigger or we'd have eaten him for dinner...Apparently the two have a "cat proof" cage...We'll see how that works for us.

Our cats have been known to knock over fish tanks..."Michael" and "Jordan" met their fate that way - I tried to resuscitate their dehydrated little bodies that were literally glued to Nolan's carpet. I thought that if I added a little water to them, they might spring back to life like one of those capsules that once you add water, they poof! become a sponge...okay, I had a MAJORLY blonde moment at that point but wanted Nolan to see his mom trying any measure to bring them back to life. After a brief tear (ha!) and flush of the toilet, he was all about getting a new fish...he'd moved on. It's pretty incredible that Swimmy is still alive after surviving in an inch of murky water when Nolan has forgotten to clean his tank...

Anyhoo, now our zoo will include two dogs, two cats, two hermit crabs, one fish and four (make that 5) kids...The 5th kid just happens to be almost 48...

Am I crazy or what? No wonder I find solace in shoes...mindlessly admiring them in my closet each day as I rock back and forth in the fetal position...

Oh, great quote..."Shoes are the foundation of all fashion." Anonymous

Are you kidding me? ANONYMOUS, SHNONYMOUS...I say that every day! I think I should get some residual money for them using my quote and publishing it on that fabulous shoe calendar of theirs, don't you think? It would help to pay for all of our pet food, pet toys and stuff...BTW, are there toys for hermit crabs?

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