Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lately Blogging is Like Jogging for Me

Although I love to write, blogging has turned into the equivalent of exercing which equals work to me which is why I have done neither for so long...My dad used to say I was allergic to work which could explain the incessant itching I experience when I have to pick up a broom or dust pan (maybe it's the gynormous dust cloud that is my house?) but it doesn't explain my nervous tick or the talking to myself...must find out what that is all about. Both haven't seemed to get in the way on my real full time job...or so our patients haven't let on...

Some wonderful shoe quotes I will leave you with before I have to get back to laundry before heading off to work this afternoon...wait...oh...is that a hive I see? No, I think it's two...Enjoy!

"You cannot put the same shoe on every foot." --- Publius Syrus

Those darned ancient philosophers were so smart...not only can you not put a left shoe on a right foot and vice versa (DUH!) some of us look great in Manolos and some of us not...(Did I tell you that I just bought a pair of great gladiator style healed sandals by Carlos Santana? They are awesome...I digress.)

"I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot." Marilyn Monroe

I agree with the blonde. I love me some high heels (as a matter of fact, I pretty much wear heels all of the time). We do owe him a lot from a style perspective (and probably owe him a doctor's bill for our back problems too, right?) ha!

Now this one is a classic...

"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them, and you have their shoes." --- Frieda Norris

My girl Frieda is so clever...hot tail it a mile in someone else's shoes (preferably designer and expensive) and then tell her she is stuck in an '80s time warp and should really get some style, right? (Okay if anyone tells me that after walking a mile in my great shoes, expect to see the headlights of a speeding Suburban coming after you...)

In UGA news.... Georgia's baseball team is in the College World Series...we lost last night because Mark jinxed them...I told him to turn the game off because he was giving off bad kharma and he wouldn't...he bears the heavy burden of hexing them on their first game (and listening to me yell at him for making them lose the game by merely watching it in a Georgia t-shirt I bought for him when we lost horribly to Tennessee - HELLO? The unlucky shirt messed up their mojo)...I am going to have to pull out my lucky bulldawg shirt for the next few nights - I am not sure I will watch the game for fear of hexing it too but the lucky shirt will send off positive vibes to the team (and no, I am not going to wash it throughout the series, mustard stains or not)...

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